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Smoking cessation in the UK at highest rate in 10 years


One in five attempts to quit smoking are now successful, according to recent research from University College London, funded by Cancer Research UK.

The research revealed a 19.8% success rate for those who attempted to quit smoking in the first half of 2017, showing a significant improvement from an average of 15.7% over the past 10 years.

Cancer Research UK’s tobacco policy manager, George Butterworth, welcomed the above findings, attributing some of this success to the rise in popularity of vaping.

He said, ‘It’s great news that quitting success rates are higher than ever, but smoking is still the biggest preventable cause of cancer so more needs to be done to help smokers to give up.

‘Research has shown that e-cigarettes are the most popular way to quit and the evidence so far tells us they’re much safer than smoking, and are helping many people to beat their addiction.’

Public Health England has this month launched Stoptober, a campaign dedicated to helping people stop smoking by highlighting the range of options and support available. E-cigarettes are just one of these options recommended by Public Health England to help smokers take the right steps to improve their health.










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