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Development and learning from home 


During these unprecedented times you may find yourself with time to spare, so why not make the most of this opportunity and focus on yourself and your personal development.

Did you know that you can still complete CPD at home? Read on to find out how. 


Learn something new by taking a look at the fantastic e-learning courses that our accredited course providers have to offer! You can learn so much from nutrition to colour therapy and everything in between. Take a look at our accredited short courses and use your Ctrl + F button to search ‘online’ to see all courses which can be completed online.

Webinars are also a great way of gaining new information in a bitesize format. While there are lots of webinars out there to benefit from, we have two linked on our CPD page on the topics ‘advice, exercises and treatments for low back pain’ and ‘treating clients with neck pain’. You can watch these webinars and complete an activity worksheet to gain 5 CPD points.

Now, let’s not forget old-fashioned reading.  Whether from books or journals you have at home, or information online via reliable sources, you can use this time to read up on topics you feel would benefit you in your practice. To gain your CPD points you need to reflect on what you have learnt from the reading, using one of our reflective practice templates which can be found on our CPD page.

FHT members also have access to the reading room via the members’ area. Within our reading room you can find articles and information on a vast range of topics and past online issues of International Therapist magazine.


Our local groups have been supporting therapist communities by holding online meetings that anyone can join in with. Local groups provide members (and non-members) with an opportunity to share information, knowledge and to help each other. If relevant to your therapies or practice, they also gain you 2 CPD points. Look out on FHT’s Facebook page for more information on when the next group is due to take place.


Refresh your knowledge on the basics of anatomy and physiology (A&P), pathology and more with our spiral quiz in past issues of International Therapist (IT) magazine. The spiral quiz gains you 1 CPD point by testing your A&P knowledge. Members can complete four spiral quizzes each year to go towards their CPD points so dig out some past issues of IT mag or find them in the members’ area under reading room.

If you have been out of the loop for a long time, completing a diploma in anatomy and physiology, pathology and health and safety is a good way to refresh your knowledge. You can find these accredited online courses under the accredited qualifications list. Remember to use your Ctrl + F buttons to search for online courses.


Reflect on something you feel developed has your practice recently, whether that’s a particular client you learnt a lot from, an experience which taught you a thing or two or maybe even a recent book or article. By reflecting on this you are taking your learning one step further. Download a reflective practice template from our CPD page to complete a 500-word reflection and gain 5 points.

Write an in-depth case study and reflect on a client with our case study template which you can use and fill out to gain yourself 5 CPD points. Please be aware that you will be required to have recent treatment records or notes on the client you’re writing your case study about.


Do some business development, whether that’s planning your year ahead or looking back through your financials. A business plan is worth 2 CPD points and can be a tool to help you to bounce back in to action when things get back to normal. You can also take a look at HRMC who offer help and support if you are self-employed. Once completed you can reflect on this learning and award yourself 5 CPD points.

Members living in England can complete free online training courses to develop your skills in business administration, IT and customer service skills through vision2learn.

Have you considered using this time for a marketing revamp? Put some time in to building your online and offline marketing and plan some campaigns, bridging your way to success in the future. By developing a marketing plan you will receive 2 points and every piece of marketing collateral you have created will gain you another point.

Our CPD information page has a bank of information and resources to help members get organised and complete their annual CPD requirements. If you have any queries regarding CPD please do get in touch via

Wishing you all the best in these tough times.

Heidi Hinton, Education Executive.





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